Stream of unconsciousness

chances taken eating bacon full of mystery.
does the lamb sleep with the lion? only time will tell.
Seems to me his life would be manely living hell.
life as I see it today, has little meaning true.
the people that I met at birth are still way overdue.
their promises of love and family never came to pass.
they're all a bunch of fucking liars and can kiss my hairy ass.
life is merely what we do to pass our time with joy
the options aren't that many if you're not with wealth, my boy.
there it is, go and get it, bring it in, on lies.
takes a while but it may happen, after many tries.
lips that lie. hearts that break. God is laughing hard
he knew that we were fairly screwed, and kicked us out the yard.
bang! you're dead, quickly too, it makes for short to be.
anything we do all day, can make us food for trees.
Now you're alive. Now you're dead. where's the line so drawn?
can we trust you or us, we each can make us gone.
"Pity this", the angels say; "Earth is but a joke."
we live to die and die to live, POOF, a puff of smoke.
Iraquis, Iranis,Koreans, and more
trying to kill us and the world. What for?
for Gods that demand too much from the soul
and destiny driving us into a hole?
pollution, collusion, and many more sins
haunt us and taunt us to where it begins.
the lives we live; are they ours to be had??
can any of Adam's and Eve's goods equal their one bad?
Are we so awful a race of beings that doom is our only fate?
what a fucking joke I say! Is this supposed to be great?
God, what kind of fool are you to lead us down this path?
tease us well with life and "love" and never end your wrath?
kill us please before we love, before we've come to birth.
don't tease us with intelligence, we use to burn up Earth.
how dare you tell us we have everlasting life!
then fill each day in every way, with pain and hurt and strife!
what kind of humor is that? Are we supposed to laugh?
The irony of your "love" to keep us free from what? the draft?
Give us breath, give us hearts, then you take it back.
did you ever have a life, or are you talkin' smack?
winding roads, squishing toads; such a waste of love.
personally, I think the sun I see, may be all that's above.
a myth you seem and just a dream that some may have beheld.
compounding life's tragic secrets, our hearts' becoming swelled.
tell us the truth; oh mighty one. Tell us that you're not.
let us in on the joke my friend, cause laughing's all we got.
the paradox of course, is that you cannot really say.
you cannot tell the truth, because it stands right in the way.
a dream just cannot talk to us and neither can a plan.
concepts don't communicate to animal OR man.
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