My Photo
Location: new hampshire, United States

I was born in a log cabin and raised by an old mama lion and her, wait, that was my sister Simba. I was borne on the wind, raised by the earth and reared by a probing finger. ouch. I was a catholic until college. I soon switched from cat-holic to alka-holic. I was pleased by the difference. The taste and lack of hair in my throat was a welcome and refreshing change. I grew up in Taxachusetts where I was an average student with a better than average chance of becoming nobody. I must say, I surpassed that milestone many times over. I've become a nobody and dropped in stature only to re-become a nobody several times. Thank you.

Monday, April 10, 2006

One year anniversary


Just realized this is 3 days after the one year anniversary of my blog!! I'm really enjoying it and we've had a lot of fun together (blushing). I'm sure my interest will continue to grow. Each time i post, I F E E L the love. You know? I'm F E E L ing the passion of requited love. There's a bond we've achieved that no diary, or journal could EVER come between! In fact; I'd like to repeat my vows.
Ahem....I vow to love, honor, and maintain you til the clouds stop forming; til the poets run out of wine; til wine turns to water; til the oceans become pools; til the pool boys turn to poets; til the poets run....anyway, my blog; you KNOW how I feel. I shall always feel that, til the day I lose my keyboard. Amen


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