
Well, I will do my best to control my temper here as I start all over again after having accidentally hit the "Esc" key and LOST every FUCKING thing I wrote here.
Good morning, world. (aGAIN). It's been some time since my last post here. I get so many different things going in my life and I end up spreading myself thin. (I wish I could do the same thing for my waistline) (aside: same line as before, but it sure loses it's spontaneity when you have to rePEAT what you've written...AAAARRRGGGHHHH!!!)
I've met so many nice people on the Dlisted blog. I've received notes here, and by e-mail, from a couple of them. (ChiliGurl; I luv ya!)Sweet people, many miles away. I spend more than an adequate amount of time on the blog commenting and writing jokes and song parodies for the comments and caption contests, and have gotten some very nice comments and kudos. It's very rewarding and pleases me a lot. I've been encouraged to try and publish or connect with the Stern show to submit song parodies. It was also suggested that I create greeting cards with my FMouie'd poetry etc. Print Shop was suggested as a program to purchase that allows me to create those and then try and sell them at boutiques etc. After the new year, I will be getting a new pc and I'll be looking into Print Shop.
Jolin came home for the holidays and we spent a few hours together. He regaled me with stories of his bootcamp and training experiences and his fellow plebian Airmen. We went out for Chinese lupper in Manchester. I gave him dvds and games to watch and play with his buddies. I hope he takes them with him and doesn't leave them at his mother's place. She's not too keen on keeping stuff and could very well toss, sell, or give them away if she gets a mind to. Royal P.I.T.A she is.
I finally, in December, received my pay raise. Woohoo!! My bonus was ok, nothing earth-shattering, but it's certainly greatly appreciated. I'm making a lot less than I was 10 years ago, but I'm in a much better position financially and emotionally, overall, than I was 9 years ago.
After the new year arrives, I will be house-hunting for sure. It will be very time-consuming but I MUST get this done. I'm so tired of living in the one-room rental situation. I've done my saving and have an amount that I hope will suffice to get it all happening. I must commit to this now. I am determined to have my own place to live and something to leave for Jolin.
Weather is misty and rather warm. Not much customer activity. I'll close this now before I screw it up and delete it AND myself.
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