
My Photo
Location: new hampshire, United States

I was born in a log cabin and raised by an old mama lion and her cubs...no, wait, that was my sister Simba. I was borne on the wind, raised by the earth and reared by a probing finger. ouch. I was a catholic until college. I soon switched from cat-holic to alka-holic. I was pleased by the difference. The taste and lack of hair in my throat was a welcome and refreshing change. I grew up in Taxachusetts where I was an average student with a better than average chance of becoming nobody. I must say, I surpassed that milestone many times over. I've become a nobody and dropped in stature only to re-become a nobody several times. Thank you.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

FMouie - electric blue

Blue me in the palm

Just another fun pic I wanted to share

Summer break

I know it's a bit late, for Independence Day, but this is a great pic and I wanted to see it here.

God Bless America.

colorful cast of characters collage

No comment please!

Just me, lis'nin' to myself whine

Well, the house-hunting mission may come to a close. I've declared interest and paid-down for a place up north. Nice li'l "manufactured home" on 5+ acres. It's not too large, but big enough for me to not have to throw away ALL my stuff. If all comes to pass, I'll close on Sept 26, 2006. I'll finally have a piece of the rock to leave you Jol. The land will be the prize, even if the "manufactured home" will age.
It's very very hot lately. Popcorn is imPOSSible to keep in a bag. The locals are cooling themselves by reaching under their seats for a cold piece of dirt to stuff in their shoes. It creates a sorta sweat-mud that makes you feel like you're gellin'. I prefer the cold slab o' balogna in my shorts for that fresh feeling of cool meat. Nothing like beatin' the heat with a cool hunk o' meat.

My dear friend Cathy came up for a few weeks and we had an evening of fun and chat. She wanted a pic of me, in redneck mode, in this tee honoring the ol' man of the mountain (or is it mountin'?). I tried to work that pic on to the top of this paragraph, but couldn't do it, so I just left it there. Course...that's par for the course for my relatively limited compuknowledge. Ahhh..THERE'S my whine! (sipping from the bota of whine that I carry with me at all times)