
My Photo
Location: new hampshire, United States

I was born in a log cabin and raised by an old mama lion and her cubs...no, wait, that was my sister Simba. I was borne on the wind, raised by the earth and reared by a probing finger. ouch. I was a catholic until college. I soon switched from cat-holic to alka-holic. I was pleased by the difference. The taste and lack of hair in my throat was a welcome and refreshing change. I grew up in Taxachusetts where I was an average student with a better than average chance of becoming nobody. I must say, I surpassed that milestone many times over. I've become a nobody and dropped in stature only to re-become a nobody several times. Thank you.

Monday, September 11, 2006

9-11 X 5

9-11, 5 years later. Osama is still on the loose. So is Bush. Neither seem likely to be rounded up and dealt with properly in the near future. Pretty sad today. The memories of the twin towers and those people jumping out of windows; life-saving, and giving police, fire, and EMT's; many never returning; all of it just settles in my head and won't go away. How does one not wish the worst pain and death to those responsible and supportive of such a horrible act against humanity.