I'm a Homeowner!! Woohoo!!

Finally signed ze papers and am in the moving process. Been moving for a couple weeks, now. Don't expect to be done until end of November. Working 9+ hrs a day, then off to castle to unload from previous eve's loading. Then, straighten out and put away what I can put away; then back to old place to load up until 11 or 12; up at 6am. It's exhausting and I haven't even touched, cept for one small load of camping gear, the 20'X10'X10' storage bin yet. I'm throwing away stuff left and right, up and down, over here and over there. Obsessive as I am, this concept of "throwing stuff away" is foreign to my sensibilities, and always a despised task. However; I really need to downsize my personal effects. I'll be going through all my "collectibles" and either selling or tossing. It's a very scary process