About Me
- Name: Fmouie
- Location: new hampshire, United States
I was born in a log cabin and raised by an old mama lion and her cubs...no, wait, that was my sister Simba. I was borne on the wind, raised by the earth and reared by a probing finger. ouch. I was a catholic until college. I soon switched from cat-holic to alka-holic. I was pleased by the difference. The taste and lack of hair in my throat was a welcome and refreshing change. I grew up in Taxachusetts where I was an average student with a better than average chance of becoming nobody. I must say, I surpassed that milestone many times over. I've become a nobody and dropped in stature only to re-become a nobody several times. Thank you.
Friday, September 28, 2007
One of me and my father. I might have been 3 or 4 with my cowboy clothes and my mini pompadour. I look like a young Little Ricky Ricardo! I was a real tiger. I was living with my grandparents because parental responsibilities were something my father didn't want to deal with. When I was a very young boy at this age, and when he was around, we would sit on my grandfather's front porch. I would play the drums and my father would play the guitar. The neighbors would walk by and toss coins on the porch. That was my last paying gig. DOH!

New pics
Well, obviously my sun(or, dad)flower came out. It didn't graze the clouds, exactly, but it did breach the fencing. Such a sunny li'l disposition, too!
The next is a tomato that came out with an attitude. It came with it's own handle. On the face of things, it's not. The tale is really about the tail. The end

The Blues are for the Soul
Blues Are For The Soul
They say the blues are for the people
struggling with their lives.
They say that when you sing the blues
your spirit comes alive.
I don't know if that's true or not
I've never had that life
I've been around from town to town
and had my share of strife
I've been alone and had no home
women have left me flat
I've had no friends at my day's end
And felt the pain of that
But I think blues are for the soul
the hurt; they comfort well
They open up my heart to spill
my loneliness out from hell
It seems like they can make me feel
better than when I awoke
I hum the blues, I take a sip
and then I take a toke
They say the blues are for the spirit
though that may well be true
I feel my soul is the rightful heir
to comfort from the blues.
They say the blues are for the people
struggling with their lives.
They say that when you sing the blues
your spirit comes alive.
I don't know if that's true or not
I've never had that life
I've been around from town to town
and had my share of strife
I've been alone and had no home
women have left me flat
I've had no friends at my day's end
And felt the pain of that
But I think blues are for the soul
the hurt; they comfort well
They open up my heart to spill
my loneliness out from hell
It seems like they can make me feel
better than when I awoke
I hum the blues, I take a sip
and then I take a toke
They say the blues are for the spirit
though that may well be true
I feel my soul is the rightful heir
to comfort from the blues.