About Me
- Name: Fmouie
- Location: new hampshire, United States
I was born in a log cabin and raised by an old mama lion and her cubs...no, wait, that was my sister Simba. I was borne on the wind, raised by the earth and reared by a probing finger. ouch. I was a catholic until college. I soon switched from cat-holic to alka-holic. I was pleased by the difference. The taste and lack of hair in my throat was a welcome and refreshing change. I grew up in Taxachusetts where I was an average student with a better than average chance of becoming nobody. I must say, I surpassed that milestone many times over. I've become a nobody and dropped in stature only to re-become a nobody several times. Thank you.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Mad Monkey love with Molly the Maid

This is my sweetheart Molly the Maid. She lives at Angela's but she's REALly mine. She stands there and holds my drink, looking so damned perky and so veddy Br-r-ritish. Someday, we may run away together. Well...I'll run. She'll hold my drink for me. I'll carry her to our secret lair and we'll make mad passionate monkey love.
The end.
Monday, April 10, 2006
One year anniversary
Just realized this is 3 days after the one year anniversary of my blog!! I'm really enjoying it and we've had a lot of fun together (blushing). I'm sure my interest will continue to grow. Each time i post, I F E E L the love. You know? I'm F E E L ing the passion of requited love. There's a bond we've achieved that no diary, or journal could EVER come between! In fact; I'd like to repeat my vows.
Ahem....I vow to love, honor, and maintain you til the clouds stop forming; til the poets run out of wine; til wine turns to water; til the oceans become pools; til the pool boys turn to poets; til the poets run....anyway, my blog; you KNOW how I feel. I shall always feel that, til the day I lose my keyboard. Amen
Just realized this is 3 days after the one year anniversary of my blog!! I'm really enjoying it and we've had a lot of fun together (blushing). I'm sure my interest will continue to grow. Each time i post, I F E E L the love. You know? I'm F E E L ing the passion of requited love. There's a bond we've achieved that no diary, or journal could EVER come between! In fact; I'd like to repeat my vows.
Ahem....I vow to love, honor, and maintain you til the clouds stop forming; til the poets run out of wine; til wine turns to water; til the oceans become pools; til the pool boys turn to poets; til the poets run....anyway, my blog; you KNOW how I feel. I shall always feel that, til the day I lose my keyboard. Amen
Easter 2006

Well, it's close to Easter...sort of a ...near'easter, as we call it here in the wild Nor'east.
Things are a poppin' all over de plaise. I'm in the midst of the film production; "Talk", a student film project. The story is about bad cops (whatcha gonna do when they come fo you) gone badder. It's being shot at several locations including, Boston, Tyngsboro Ma, and Manchester. I played a small bit as a "redneck" dock worker. However; I feel my real contribution has been my many suggestions, and recommendations with regards to the script, production, camera work, makeup, and directing. All but a couple were accepted as an improvement. And, general gophering. I also did the camera work for a few scenes. It's a wonderful experience and I'm having a ball.
I really enjoy being able to stretch my creativity to areas I've always wanted to be a part of, but never had the opportunity.
It being my first involvement in anything like this, I'm fairly aflutter with glee. If I wore panties, they would be moistened many times over. However; slut that I am, I rarely wear em. HA! Take THAT, world!
Also, I am in the throes of passionate house-hunting. I've loaded my house gun and I'm on the stalk. Which, is not to be confused with being on A stalk. I'm looking' in a northerly fashion towards Concord or thereabouts. I'm extremely anxious to get a place that offers me more options than one room and a pee-closet; the shower stall notwithstanding.
I long for rooms, and yard, and trees, and the relative silence of the country sans highway noises; like ambulances, and all the et ceteras, etc. I yearn for windows to look out of onto my own property, and window sills to place my plants, and walls to hang my pictures, and shelves to display my odds and ends, and evens and middles, and Simpsons figurines, and Beatle records, and dental records, and cleverly painted and posed roadkill that will grace the walls.
Ok, I'm kidding about the roadkill...they'll be out of the way, in the freezer.
I'm anxious to have a place with privacy to bring my sweety, once I get a sweety; and other guests, and have parties, and play music anytime, and use the TELEPHONE!!, and get a dog, and a cat, and a ferret, and a zebra, and a very little itsy-bitsy teeny weeny flea circus again. I'll train all the fleas myself, and read them the accolades in the press! This time, however, I won't introduce the dog into the act. The last time, they all left! I was broke! My savings account was empty! The checking acct was gone! Course, Fred the dog still had a li'l scratch.
I feel a poem coming on...
Easter, my Easter, wherefore art thou?
Thou art in the spring, aren't thou now?
How furled my brow, that thou won't allow
that truth be known; there's an Easter Cow.
Well, that totally sucked and I apologize for that. I apologize to you all and y'all and the the rest of humanity AND cowmanity as well. Fuck the bunnymanity; they're a bunch of scared rabbits. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
I went to Angela's for Easter dinner. Of course, she made way too much great food and I stuffed myself like the fatted calf I'm for heifer doing, whenever I eat there. She's a great cook, and I always enjoy our meals.
Anyway, that's my Easter offering. If My meme saw this, she would f'ing KILL me for my blasphemy, but, she's dead and I apologize to her as well. I guess the sense of absurdity I've grown to accept is not really what she would want, but, hey, I gotta be me, and I am only a product of my environment...and a few head vacations
when it was beneficial.
Yours, sincerely;
J. Effingham Broadbottom.